MRSA infection resources


Promote MRSA Awareness

We, and many others are working hard towards helping our communities across the US and the world become aware of the dangers of MRSA and how to prevent it from affecting their lives, as it has so many of us.  These are the campaigns we are supporting, and an ongoing list of resources for you to use in your communities, and if you are working towards MRSA awareness in your area, please let us know, as we would love to support you as well, and provide a place for people to find your materials so they can use them as well! 

Vancomycin Crystals by Dennis Kunkel Microscopy
Groups that are working towards MRSA awareness and providing materials:

Hands of Hope Group and MRSA Resources

The Bella Moss Foundation

Father Judge


Photo:  Vancomycin Crystals by Dennis Kunkel Microscopy

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We support these groups in their missions to reduce MRSA infection rates, and hope you will as well: 
The Hands of Hope Group, The Association to Defend Victims of Nosocomial Infection (ADVIN) (CA), The Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths (RID)(USA), MRSASupport (UK) , MRSA Action UK

DISCLAIMER:  This group is made up of normal people.  While some of us may be in the medical profession, we advise you to see your physician if you think you may have any illness or infection.  If you choose to use any information on these pages, DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK.  No clinical decisions should be made solely by the information contained herein.  We try to provide quality information, but cannot make claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of any information contained in or linked to this website and its associated sites.

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