MRSA infection resources


Personal MRSA Stories

Here you will find personal stories of experience with infection, written by MRSA patients and their loved ones.  If you are interested in having your story published here, email .   You need not provide any identifying information if you do not want to, and all copyrights will of course remain yours.  I cannot tell you how many people have told me that this is very helpful to them to be able to read these stories, I hope you will consider having yours, or a link to yours, here as well.  Also, if you are interested in keeping a blog about your MRSA experience, or just your daily life while living with MRSA or another Superbug, please email me as well, I would love to talk about hosting it for you.

Submitted to MRSA Resources:

Marshall Jones - An MRSA Survival Story, PDF

  • Marshall contracted his MRSA infection through an ingrown hair in his neck after a shave at home.  He was an undiagnosed diabetic at the time, and the infection entered the epidural space of his spine, and then his bloodstream before he was hospitalized.

Denise Rauff's Story

  • Both of Denise's two young daughters contracted MRSA a year apart through tympanostomy (ear tube) surgeries.

Tony Field - My Story

  • Tony contracted MRSA during surgery for a broken leg.  He has been very instrumental in the fight for victims rights and hospital rate disclosure in the UK (MRSA Support UK), and is working around the world for the same cause.

Peg McQueary's Story

  • Peg contracted MRSA in a leg wound after cutting herself shaving with her own razor.

The Wells Family Story

  • Michelle's husband came home from Iraq with MRSA boils, and the bacteria was passed throughout his household.

Francine Jackson's Story

  • Francine's 13 year old athletic son acquired CA-MRSA in his bone (osteomyelitis).


External Links to MRSA Experiences and Stories:

Jill and Bella Moss's Story

  • Bella was the first dog known to fall victim to the MRSA bacteria.

Ricky Lannetti 

  • Did not survive CA-MRSA, stemming from a small pimple - His mother, Theresa, along with Francine Jackson are working very hard toward community awareness of CA-MRSA, especially in athletes.

Helena Gibson

  •  survived Necrotizing Fasciitis

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We support these groups in their missions to reduce MRSA infection rates, and hope you will as well: 
The Hands of Hope Group, The Association to Defend Victims of Nosocomial Infection (ADVIN) (CA), The Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths (RID)(USA), MRSASupport (UK) , MRSA Action UK

DISCLAIMER:  This group is made up of normal people.  While some of us may be in the medical profession, we advise you to see your physician if you think you may have any illness or infection.  If you choose to use any information on these pages, DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK.  No clinical decisions should be made solely by the information contained herein.  We try to provide quality information, but cannot make claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of any information contained in or linked to this website and its associated sites.

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