MRSA infection resources


MRSA Cells on the SkinMRSA Infections:

Interactive Education

Interactive MRSA and Superbug education is one thing that makes MRSA Resources a very special place to learn.  The only way that this will thrive is with your contributions (I don't mean your money, but your knowledge and experience).  Start out by familiarizing yourself with the SuperbugWiki, which is where the bulk of the educational information is held here at MRSA Resources.  Eventually you will find areas that you see that you know something about that is missing information, and we hope that you will contribute!  There are help pages throughout the Wiki, and if you ever have a question, you can post it on the forum.

Photo of MRSA on the Skin   Picture by Dennis Kunkel Microscopy

Some areas of the Wiki:

MRSA | Superbugs | MRSA/Superbug FAQ | CA-MRSA | HA-MRSA |

About the SuperbugWiki:

If you have never used a Wiki before, a Wiki is an amazing bit of software that anyone with access to the page on the WWW can edit. The Wiki we are building is for all subject matter related to MRSA and other Superbugs.  We would ultimately like to have every bit of information available on the Wiki, whether it is linked there, or created in the form of articles by everyone here.  You do not have to join anything, or log into anything to add to the Wiki, all you have to do is click the edit tab at the top of any of the pages, or next to any section on any page, and start writing.  Don't forget to click save at the bottom when you are finished.  You may link to other sites that relate to the topics, and you can create any topic you desire.  Currently on the Wiki we have a Knowledge Base, that contains just the bare beginnings of an MRSA / Superbug infection dictionary/encyclopedia type of resource, a Prayer Chain, to which many people have already added their names (and please add yours--prayer is a necessary element in fighting MRSA!), and an Awareness section, which we use to keep you up to date on what we are doing to increase awareness of MRSA, infections, and Superbugs in our communities.  Start at the Main Page to see what all is going on there!

MRSA and Superbug U.S. Current News Blog - Stay up to date on the latest information about the spread of MRSA in the United States, and updates and events at MRSA Resources.


More Education on MRSA


MRSA and Superbug Articles and Essays These are articles written by members of MRSA Resources. 

Personal Stories  These personal stories of MRSA battles are a vital information source.  There is something to be gained by each and every one.  Please email yours to to have it included here!

General Information Links Links to other MRSA/Superbug infection sites on the WWW.  If you know of others, please email them to me, and I will see that they get up on this page.

MRSA and Superbug Support Groups Links to current MRSA/Superbug support groups on the WWW.  Please let me know if we are missing some, and I will get them up ASAP!



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We support these groups in their missions to reduce MRSA infection rates, and hope you will as well: 
The Hands of Hope Group, The Association to Defend Victims of Nosocomial Infection (ADVIN) (CA), The Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths (RID)(USA), MRSASupport (UK) , MRSA Action UK

DISCLAIMER:  This group is made up of normal people.  While some of us may be in the medical profession, we advise you to see your physician if you think you may have any illness or infection.  If you choose to use any information on these pages, DO SO AT YOUR OWN RISK.  No clinical decisions should be made solely by the information contained herein.  We try to provide quality information, but cannot make claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of any information contained in or linked to this website and its associated sites.

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