Hibiclens Antiseptic, Antimicrobial Skin Cleanser, Liquid Hibiclens was recommended to our family by all of our doctors, and as we have learned by meeting other people battling Superbug and MRSA infections, it has been used by many people with extremely good results. Speaking for myself only, our Staph outbreaks in our home have been completely eliminated by using Hibiclens soap weekly. Drugstore.com offers Hibiclens in 16 ounce bottles for just a dollar or two more than I can buy an 8 oz bottle (the largest size they carry) at my local drugstores. Another thing to keep in mind - our doctor made the point several times to not use Hibiclens above the neck, as it apparently can cause real problems if you get it into your eyes.
Nexcare Moisturizing Hand Sanitizer Nexcare (by 3M) was the hand sanitizer used in the hospital when Marshall was there for 33 days. I was very impressed with this hand sanitizer, as it contains moisturizers and it really feels more like lotion than sanitizer. I have it at every sink in my home. I could not find it anywhere locally, but found it at Drugstore.com.
8 Weeks to Optimum Health, by Andrew Weil, M.D.
Tony Field recommended Andrew Weil’s books to me, and has to everyone. Tony feels strongly that his recovery was greatly helped by reading the book Spontaneous Healing by Dr. Weil. I have read several of Dr. Weil’s books and they are very informative, educational and even motivational. I highly recommend Dr. Weil’s books for everyone, not just MRSA infection victims. There is not a person in the world that cannot benefit from the information here!
Spontaneous Healing Andrew Weil, M.D.
Dr. Weil’s Guide to Optimum Health Andrew Weil, M.D.
Health and Healing Andrew Weil, M.D.
SinoFresh Moisturizing Nasal & Sinus Spray I have no idea if this works or not, but it is marketed as being able to kill MRSA, and so I am using it, as I am pretty sure that it can’t hurt, and if it helps, that is great in my book!!
Above products available at Drugstore.com
5 responses so far ↓
Rhoda // Apr 25, 2007 at 7:21 am
Please add Staph Aseptic Gel! It is a new product supposed to kill the MRSA virus in cuts, etc.
Eric James King // Jul 6, 2007 at 2:10 pm
I’ve used StaphAseptic®, and it does work- found it by accident, on the shelf right next to the triple antibiotic that was unsuccessful last year in my treatment of the MRSA that hospitalized and nearly killed me.
I had another infection recently, and did what I could to treat it, but I could see that this, too, would involve another hospital trip, as the infection was rapidly growing. I made plans to enter the hospital the following morning, but I had to make a trip to the pharmacy for another need. I saw StaphAseptic on the shelf, and though it clearly states on the package that it is for prevention, I purchased the product and applied it when I returned home. By the next morning, the infection had drained to less than half its size the night before. I canceled my hospital visit! It still took a little over a week to completely clear that infection, but I’d swear the stuff is magic.
Since, I routinely use StaphAseptic as my topical antibiotic- any small cut, abrasion, clogged pore, etc., gets treated. Through a day, on occasion, Staph infections have developed, but the StaphAseptic knocks these right down.
More people should know about this product.
Elizabeth Cuevas // Aug 7, 2007 at 11:09 am
My 3yr daughter was recently diagnosed with MRSA.
I would like to know what kind of Soap is good to wash her with? Please advice.
Thank you,
Elizabeth Cuevas
Connie Lass // Aug 15, 2007 at 10:47 am
I agree with Eric and Rhoda. I’m glad someone finally mentioned Staphaseptic. I tell everyone about it but no one seems to have heard about it yet. I got an infection from a manicure in March. I don’t how new Staphaseptic is. I live in Oak Park, near Chicago, and our CVS and Walgreens both had it. I asked the pharmacist at CVS about it and she didn’t realize it was even on the shelf. So it may be pretty new. It’s helped me tremendously. Here’s another tip, I use Hibiclens to soak my nail clippers and metal file after I wash them.
Lyle Loughry // Oct 10, 2007 at 10:48 am
I am blessed to be able to say that I have never suffered from MRSA, but I wrote my first article “Super Bugs” fourteen years ago. I would love to share with you a product which is both a preventative and a treatment for MRSA, and is actually used in National Healthcare Centers (hospitals) in the UK. I am presently contacting Athletic Directors in OH, informing them of this wonderful, effective, inexpensive, TOTALLY natural supplement. I would be pleased to direct you to our info website, and talk with you, if you would be interested. I am not connected with MRSA Resources, but I do compliment them, heartily, for the service they are providing.
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