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MRSA Guestmap

November 12th, 2006 · 35 Comments

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Tags: MRSA

35 responses so far ↓

  • Sherri // Jan 29, 2007 at 1:42 pm

    Just diagnosed with MRSA after removing a large area of my inner thigh that was infected. I was lucky. Serious stuff!

  • Rhoda // Feb 7, 2007 at 11:35 pm

    My daughter and almost all of her associates in Council Bluffs, Ia. have CA MRSA and are getting little care or information from ER’s, just prescriptions none of them can afford. I am fighting for all of them, two almost dead now.

  • Sherri // Feb 8, 2007 at 6:32 am

    I am leaving my contact info for you, even on myspace, to try and connect with you. PLEASE get in touch. I will be gone this morning to see my surgeon for a re-check on my leg. I will be home at dinner time and all afternoon. I do day care for my 7 month old granddaughter and I am usually home. I will keep checking mail! I am a very compassionate and caring person and I will help you in any way I can. Sherri

  • Diane // Feb 22, 2007 at 10:56 am

    My 13-year old son has been diagnosed with MRSA in both inner ears.

    If anyone has dealt with MRSA otitis, will you please share information with me?

    I would be especially interested in hearing from anyone with MRSA related to ear tubes, perforated ear drums, and/or infected mastoids.

    I also am interested in hearing about any use of Zyvox in children, particularly for long-term (4-6 weeks) use.

    Thank you in advance

  • Suzanne // Mar 6, 2007 at 10:05 am

    My 21 year old “like a” son (lives with me) has this and keeps getting boils/sores. What are others doing for prevention, for other family members and for person with this? How contagious is this for others in the family? Thanks.

  • Rhoda // Mar 6, 2007 at 10:41 pm

    My daughter who has had CA MRSA six months is now 1 month pregnant. Any info on pregnancy and CA MRSA apreciated.

  • Rhoda // Mar 6, 2007 at 10:50 pm

    I’ve never tried so hard to speak
    and found myself yet unheard
    Look out or you’ll die!!
    You’d think they’d stop at that word
    Die. Dead. Deceased. Kaput.
    With man’s fear of mortality,
    he should think something afoot.
    Surely someone alive besides me
    Feels fear at these words of fatality.
    pronounced like
    See a pursa,
    is a deadly disease with several names
    And I’d say it’s winning
    If we’re playing games.
    MRSA gets inside of you
    from the person next to you
    in a drop of sweat
    or any spot wet
    can carry it through
    to You.

    You don’t even need a cut
    or to have sex or share needles,
    The Super Bug is uglier
    Than butt reaming beetles.

    Awareness, containment,
    and death to the BUG,
    is the only way to vent
    and beat this Thug.

    But catch it and fearlessly scream
    No segregation for you,
    Cause no one yet cares,
    and there’s nothing you can do.

    Try to warn your neighbors,
    And hear
    that they’d rather hear
    Thirty hours of ”news”
    about a woman abused
    in whose windows we peek,
    We have to suck it up thus
    Week after week,
    While the Flesh Eating Bug,
    Dines on those around us.

    Bugs don’t scare you?
    some are kinda cute,
    but this one is ugly,
    and painful to boot.

    I know a woman
    who has been cleanly scalped,
    MRSA ate where hair once grew ~
    It was brown the last I knew ~
    Terrifying until it started on an ear,
    I think that’s when
    she really felt fear.

    Most have it in their skin still
    Covering their torsos,
    With boils, bumps and scars,
    covering every inch until
    It starts on the organs inside,
    then it’s really downhill
    from dying to has died.

    My daughter has this,
    She is a junkie and poor,
    And now she is pregnant,
    And we really need more
    People to know,
    This is HERE,
    in our town,
    I don’t feel safe,
    Knowing it’s just floating around.
    No one is quarantined,
    Few are educated at all,
    Some still blame spiders,
    A germ just seems so very small.
    Fact is, the AMA made this
    And now turns their backs,
    On those most desperately needing aid
    from whichever side of the tracks,
    Not nearly enough is done
    neither offense or defense exists,
    Who’s targeted? Why! Everyone!
    I could tell you stories
    from sun to sun..

    I thought one lady had it made
    Because she was lucky enough,
    To have Medicaid
    for meds and stuff
    to get admitted for IV antibiotics,
    and although a junkie,
    they saw her pain
    even giving my friend narcotics.

    My friend
    Noticed the following
    As a regular thing;
    The doctors and nurses
    Masked up and changed gowns
    Yet posted nothing about MRSA’s
    Presence in our town.

    Visitors came and went
    With no warning of the risk they took,
    home with them, maybe to you!
    Perhaps he’s even your cook.

    Her luck went south,
    ’twas her without the hair now
    To you from my mouth,
    I think it might be unfair how
    Victims like her are treated so
    Without even thinking she is going to go
    to the store, the bathroom,
    Restaurants and parks,
    But certainly not to cause your doom!

    You rush to the ER
    And say, hey doc! look here!
    He looks and backs up
    then leans in to peer,
    Backs up again quickly
    and says, “Spider bite!
    you’ll soon be out of here!”

    He explains how it will drain,
    and writes you a script
    For Bactrum or something
    That leaves you unequipped,
    To fight the New Big Bertha,
    Plague, Super Bug, Leprosy
    and maybe then you’ll see,
    Part of what it’s like to be me,
    To picture how it feels
    To be eaten alive
    by a flesh eating germ
    Who’ll eat the Bactrum and thrive.

    There are one or two
    correct drugs out there,
    But they have to be found quick!
    you have to take great care,
    not to die, not to let it win,
    Before you’re too sick
    And the disease moves within.

    I fear for those who turn their backs,
    Unless you find Karma queer
    For they could fall fast and hard,
    Maybe yet this year!

    Until your family is like me
    Praying for you
    with all their might
    and you all join in
    and take up my fight!
    because now you have to
    with all your might.
    Other countries have won
    Locked MRSA out tight!
    While our was has not begun
    or even admitted
    We have a war to be won.
    Learn what you can
    and share what you know
    what we understand we command
    so help our understanding grow.
    And pray for help
    sweating, writhing in contortions,
    Aren’t we reminded
    of plagues of Biblical proportions?
    Are you afraid?
    I hope you are,
    ’cause with you
    and the friends I’ve made so far
    We can get “their” attention
    before we’re gone too far.

    Other countries have won
    The battle with this Beast
    Let’s not find
    We only did the very least
    that we could have
    forgive us, everyone!
    For all the things we should have
    already done.

  • MRSA Notes » MRSA Poetry // Mar 7, 2007 at 8:14 am

    […] A reader at MRSA Resources left this poem in the comments: […]

  • Debra // Apr 19, 2007 at 10:56 am

    I lived with a partner who had MRSA. He would get the boils every time he had a tragedy, and couldn’t handle or express the emotions that naturally came up. I had to help him, UP CLOSE. We were intimate, of course. I never had an outbreak.

    We broke up, I moved into town. Shared a house with a friend. Hygiene issues (his). He came down with boils. I TOLD him to go to dr, AND to tell dr about MRSA. After too long, he finally went… he actually did try to tell dr that he might have MRSA, and the dr didn’t listen, just gave him penicillen. He got pretty sick.

    I moved out; six months later, in a nice, clean place, but in a very stressful time (grad school), I had my first out break. MY ELBOW!!! The elbow was just sore at first, then boom. I tried cutting it off and packing it with cayenne, no good. I tried dousing it with lavender oil and tea tree oil, no good, I got a fever. Made it to the dr in time, and was prescribed sulfa.

    Now, almost six months later, I think I’m breaking out again, this time (ARGGH) on my vulva. This time, no money for doctor. I’m pretty upset and scared.

  • Rhoda // Apr 19, 2007 at 1:41 pm

    Some might disagree with me but I think you likely became a carrier from boyfriend number one. The MRSA virus colonizes in the nose and you can carry it there without breaking out for a long time or forever. You must have had a good immune system to have gone so long without breaking out yourself. I would call the health department and/or the disease control center in your area and look for sliding fee or free help. Try everyone. In my area the Salvation Army will fill prescriptions for you at least once. I am sorry to say but you will likely run into a lot of ignorance of your condition out there as you experienced with your boyfriend prescribed penicillin. Good luck and best wishes to you. There is a lot of support and help at this site. Rhoda

  • Kristi // Apr 25, 2007 at 8:29 am

    I wanted to repsond to Diane. I have a 15 month old who has been battling MRSA in his inner ears since Nov 2006. I don’t know anything about the drug Zyvox, but am considering asking the ENT about it tomorrow.

  • Diane // Apr 25, 2007 at 10:08 am

    Zyvox is a powerful drug with some nasty side effects, but it keeps from having to do vancomycin.

    My son took it for 2.5 weeks. I was told that most side effects start showing up after the first two weeks or so.

    My son had no obvious side effects while on the Zyvox, but about two weeks after he discontinued it, he has a horrible yeast infection in his genital area.

    We’re still watching the ears to see whether the MRSA returns. We don’t know whether we’ve eradicated it or just temporarily beaten it back.

    I wish you well.

  • Kristi // Apr 26, 2007 at 7:11 am

    Diane…when was your son diagnosed?? Was Zyvox the only drug he has been on? I’m asking because my son was on Bactrim for 17 weeks. Then on Clindamycin for 3 weeks. He was hospitalized last week and they put him on vancomycin; however, he had some bad side effects, so they switched him back to the IV form of Clindamycin. We have to give him an IV 3 times a day. Yesterday, his ears started oozing again, so thought I would mention this other drug to the ENT. Also, has anyone been able to explain to you how MRSA gets in the ears?

  • Pam // May 7, 2007 at 9:43 pm

    I have MRSA in both of my ears. The symptoms I have are severe itching, peeling, scales and oozing. I have been on bactrim and minicyline with no luck at keeping it away. I get better but within one month it returns, I would like to know what symptoms others have seen with MRSA in the ears.

  • Kristi // May 18, 2007 at 8:26 am


    The only signs I have seen with my son are the oozing. I assume there is some pain involved as he tends to cry out holding his ears. Has anyone been able to explain to you how the MRSA got in your ears. I just don’t understand it.

  • Kate // Jun 24, 2007 at 10:05 pm

    I was diagnosed with CA-MRSA in April. Don’t know how I got it. Had four infections before they cultured the calf infection and figured it out. Swelling, fever, etc. I was hospitalized and they used Vancomyacin by IV, and then Zyvox (VERY expensive!!) when I went home. I have a terrific ID Doctor, and good follow up.

  • Dana // Jul 27, 2007 at 9:05 am

    I was diagnosed with MRSA almost 3 years ago. I have been outbreak free, as has my boyfriend who also is a carrier, for almost a year and a half. I take acidopholus(sp?) every day and wash my hands quite a bit(not compulsively). I also try and fast every six months. I have found that by keeping my health at its best, for what I can do ( I am a full time grad student) has helped me. Prior to these small lifestyle changes I have breaking out in boils at least once every other month. I would be happy to go into greater detail about what preventative measures I take. Also, I went to the CDC and was told I would have MRSA forever, seeing that it had colonized in my nose and also the pereneum(sp?) layer of my skin. Great news right, but I am not going to let it get me down. Good luck all.

  • Emily // Aug 20, 2007 at 12:06 am

    This is just crazy!!!

    Does anyone know if it’s possible to contract MRSA and to not have physical symptoms for 13 years???

    Montel Williams did a quick bit on his show one day about MRSA, and besides that, I’ve not read or heard anything else about it in terms of public awareness.

    It’s a sad world when we live in a country with the best medical treatments available…ONLY IF you’ve got the money or good insurance to pay for it.
    If you’re like me, (and way too many of us are) living from check to check, barely making ends meet, living w/o health insurance (and can’t get medi-cal because, I guess I’m too ‘responsible’ to qualify for it- I earn too much money and I’ve chosen to NOT bring a child into my already financially burdened life) then you’re just S.O.L.

    The doctor wanted to give me an antibiotic shot, antibiotic pills (Cleocin), a topical antibiontic ointment, bloodwork tests, and an HIV test…
    With the cost off the clinic visit, I was able to afford only the oral antibiotics and the ointment. I still don’t know if there’s something really wrong with me, or not… Something could be compromising my immune system causing me to have contracted MRSA, but, I was born here-I can’t afford to find out! What a country!

    My heart and prayers go out to all who’ve been affected, inflicted, and infected by this unbelievable illness.

  • Rhoda // Aug 20, 2007 at 10:12 am

    You can carry MRSA in your nose for your whole life without becoming infected. No one yet knows why some people break out with the disease and some don’t BUT, with the MRSA microbes everywhere, you could have picked this up at any time from any where. Researchers recently tested and found out that the MRSA microbes can survive at least two weeks on a coin kept at room temperature.

  • // Sep 16, 2007 at 1:17 pm

    MRSA: Dallas County Jail Medical Requests Denied

    Sunday July, 15 2007
    Deanna’s mother visited her. She witnessed Deanna’s skin infections on her cheeks, chin, left under corner of mouth, and on lip/chin. Deanna said they removed Ambien from her medications, because they only give it to her for 30 days.

    July 18 2007
    Amy spoke with her public defender in District 363. She said she had not seen Deanna in a month. She put in a request “the following day” for health care. Deanna’s report was returned to the lawyer with a healthy approval. Atty is hoping for or Cornell Dallas County Judicial Treatment for her addiction problems.

    July 18, 2007
    Amy visited Deanna. Saw sores over neck chest, breast ears, chin mouth upper lip. Deanna said she hasn’t seen her attorney in almost 2months. The Inmate psychologist/ doctor recommends Nexus treatment for her addiction problems, which resulted in her incarceration. Doctor gave her bactrum, topical antibiotic.

    September 16, 2007
    The life of this 20something year old mother of two over the last year is the grossest example an inmate, who was a drug addict. Without her shortcomings, the public would never be aware of the true horror of the disease spreading through not only Dallas County Jail, but also Texas State Prison, and Collin County systems while she awaited trial.

  • gary federigi // Sep 26, 2007 at 1:01 pm

    i am a plumber for santa clara county in CA. i often work in the jails and i want to know how long the bacteria stays alive on my tools? i have looked at a lot of websites and i can’t find out how long it persists out in the open. if anyone knows or has an idea how i can find out it would appreciate the help.

  • Rhoda // Sep 28, 2007 at 10:49 am

    Gary ~ I read online that in a test done in England MRSA stayed alive on a penny for two weeks at room temperature. Hope this helps you. In another test it has also been found that over 90% of hundred dollar bills tested positive for MRSA so it is everywhere. Rhoda

  • f8cleopatra // Sep 29, 2007 at 4:51 pm

    People might have an auto immune disorder, or something similar to my cousin’s previous weak immune system. She had taken many antibiotics for many health infections, sinus and otherwise. So, if you give a person a chance to fight infection ask these questions: were you a smoker, drinker or a victim to another immune disease in your lifetime?

    As far as you tools, I’d be more concerned about your disposable rubber gloves, antibacterial alcohol, and shoes which NEVER enter your home. The best quarantine I have seen so far is, scrub all appliances and clothes in hot water plus a detergent. Keep the shoes which trace infection and worms, yes WORMS (people have dogs they don’t treat). The best one I have heard to clean the water pipes is: AMMONIA! Yes, this helpful info came from the water safety control unit in Wylie, Texas. As long as you have a simple water purifier with a carbon filter, your water is safe to drink too.

    My personal bet on your case is check about any rashes or respiratory infections you have had in the last 6 months to a year. A simple spore test under a microscope will tell you if you have either. If you have any rashes, do a swab test. Remember, if you have a family or share a shower, the spores can live in your nose/air vents and travel to other weaker immune systems to develop into M.R.S.A. So, go pay 90 bucks at the local carenow/primacare/or emergency out-care center and see what you do…or do not have.

    Hope this advice works,

    Deanna’s M.R.S.A. story

  • Sarah // Oct 1, 2007 at 9:53 pm

    I had MRSA off and on for 3 yrs before I found a doctor who actually told me what it was. By then, my Boyfriend had it. I took Sulfamethoxazole with Trimethoprim (which is Bactrim and Septra). It got rid of it, but he couldnt go on it because he is allergic to sulfas, so the dr put him on oral Clindamycin (which, if you know anything, Clindamycin Orally is very ineffective and still expensive).
    He got it again, and a different Doctor put him on Zyvox, which was a $2,087 medicine. Suddenly, he has another boil on his knee…. Anyone know what else may be effective? Also, what precautions should I take to make sure I don’t get it again?

  • Rhoda // Oct 2, 2007 at 8:58 am

    Doxycycline and Keflex are sometimes effective when used together. Rhoda

  • F8cleopatra // Oct 2, 2007 at 9:49 am

    I’ve been reading the pharmaceuticals don’t help much at stage 2 or 3. You are past stage 3, so they advise I’ve found is: draining the lesion often and keeping it very dry.

    Alternative methods if you can’t afford pills are: try any roots or leaf coverings which are known for draining open wounds. (Chinese medication or whole foods stores should have the basics in their homeopathy…or vegetable section). Theses methods dry out an infected area.

    Essential oils have been found to kill the deadly MRSA bacteria
    Medical Research News
    Published: Tuesday, 21-Dec-2004
    Print - Essential oils have been found to kill the deadly MRSA bacteria
    Essential oils have been found to kill the deadly MRSA bacteria. Essential oils usually used in aromatherapy have been found to kill the deadly MRSA bacteria according to research carried out at The University of Manchester.
    Another strange alternative, which seems to work: real leeches, since they suck infection from a local area! I know, sounds wierd, but it proves people are studying alternative approaches to heal! Hope this gets you started in a non-pharmaceutical approach.

  • Kate // Oct 2, 2007 at 12:25 pm

    I was given Vancomycin in the hospital, as was another person I know. It is given by IV. I also had Zyvox after my release, and luckily my insurance company covered most of that. If they hadn’t I was told I would have to go to the hospital 2x a day for the IV instead, as it was covered. I hear it is the strongest antibiotic to use for MRSA.

    As for precautions WASH everything - sheets, towels & clothes etc with bleach. The doctor also told me to change my sheets every other day. She also had me use Hibiclens in the shower, which is what surgeons use. It’s available at Walgreens, no presription. And of course wash hands very often.

  • Sarah // Oct 5, 2007 at 10:59 am

    Thanks for the help. His Doctor is a moron… She said “These things sometimes come back. Just put this ointment on any boils you get.” I was like…O my goodness…no pills, no treatment at all….I told him if he gets even one more sore, go to a different Doctor. The doctor I went to was great. Gave me my meds, and I got better.
    Anyhow, I’ll look up more on the natural treatments then. Thanks for the help guys!!!

  • LISA // Oct 9, 2007 at 10:34 am

    My husband contracted MRSA in the bone during knee lazer surgery in 2000. (At that time only 1 in 3 million got it) After 4 surgeries to remove infection & 3 mos of IV vancomycin, he was left with nerve damage to his leg. He can’t straighten it out and has constant pain, now walks with a cane. Also has the face redness, peeling and ear peeling, scaling, sores on his scalp — these do not go away, they come and go with the ups & downs of his immune system. He also has yeast build up in his mouth, that can be as big as golf balls. After fighting this for 7 yrs he has it back again. This time in an artifical hip. Due to walking with the cane for so long, he developed arthritis in his hip. He went in to have it replaced, exactly 10 days later, he is septic again, this time with “regular” staph. After IV antibiotics don’t work, they take out the hip and discover a pocket of MRSA hiding behind the joint, and put in a “spacer”. October 1, put in a new hip and 10 days later, has it again. This time he is told he has HA-MRSA & CA-MRSA. They act different so don’t let anyone tell you they are the same. HA-MRSA is hosp acquired and lays dormant in the bloodstream and can reattack over & over, attacking weakest areas, especially artificial joints (wish someone told us that). It can colonize in the lungs & heart. CA-MRSA is community driven, can be passed like a cold, landing on sores etc. I hate it when people think he has “just MRSA”. Nurses & doctors can be so non-chalant about it because they see it all the time. I would like any of them to be in our shoes. He has had blood clots & even a subdural hemotoma in the brain. (which he was lucky to survived) The constant drugs take a toll on the body. Not only the physical problems, but the mental. This happened when my husband was 45 yrs old. He was never sick before, never took any meds. He lost his business, suffers from depression. I have a job with insurance or we couldn’t have survived this. HA-MRSA at that time only grew in a hosp, nursing home environment, but we could not sue. In our state, you have to prove where he got it: dirty instruments, surgeon or nurses hands, etc. Plus lawyers are greedy, don’t want cases when the plantive doesn’t make a huge living, for a loss of wages case. This has changed all of our lives and ruined my husbands.

  • Matthew // Oct 16, 2007 at 5:51 pm

    I was diagnosed with mrsa 4 years ago and it has destroyed my life. I havent been able to function and go out, shop, cook . This infection is a terrible thing . I have it controlled to my nfoot right now but my foot hasent stopped bleeding for 3.5 years. I would love to do something to help our cause like bike across canada or marathon or something that will bring awarness if any one has any ideas to help please e-mail lets make a difference so other people are not put in this situatiion like so many of us.

  • kelly frick // Oct 16, 2007 at 7:16 pm

    my husband was diagnosefd with MRSA 2 weeks ago. on thursday they are going to try remove one graft from a prior by-pass that is infected and place a new one . They tell me the bacteria is no longer in his bloodstream , but if there is any and it exists during the surgery and jumps to the new graft we are going to have problems. I at this point am so scared that it just is there , I am going to lose him. He has so many health problems . I pray every day and night I don’t lose the love of my life!

  • Liz // Oct 16, 2007 at 7:18 pm

    I have had MRSA 4 times in 5 months all different areas, This is the 2nd time on Zyvox. I thought I was getting it at the gym by the last time I got a boil I wasn’t there in a month and contracted it. I have scars from removing the boils, and this time it looks like I was shot. Only one person in my family contracted it and that was before I knew what it was, Since then (thank God) no one has gotten it. I seem to contract it around the same time as menstration. The ID Doctors seems to think I have overactive sweat glands at that time of the month since all areas were different and no open sores were present. Any one have an opinion….I really want this to stop I can’t go on Bactrum and the scars are visible.

  • shelli // Oct 17, 2007 at 7:20 pm

    I work in a hospital. I would encourage patients and families to wash your hands when entering and leaving the hosptial. And please leave your children at home. I feel so bad for the children that are dragged to the hospital and enter rooms. I see them play on the floors it really concerns me. I tell people time and time again. But, again family members do not want to here it. They threaten the nurses if we say anything about washing their hands.

  • Michele // Oct 19, 2007 at 1:56 pm

    A few weeks ago I was in the ER and was told my the attending doctors that he strongly believed I have MRSA….please continue to read.

    I have been having staph/MRSA like system for over 5 years. I lived in Va. Beach when it started and moved up to the Richmond area 3 years ago. I have got to many doctors at the Beach and here and they give me antibiotics. The a few weeks or months later, I have an out break. The doctors have never told me why I am getting these infections, like giant boils. I just had an outbreak not to long ago; I went to the ER last week. The doctor then told me that he believes I had MRSA but never did a culture or even a test to determine if this is what I did indeed have. He gave me some meds in an IV then sent me home with a prescription as well. So I am now left with wondering if I really do have MRSA. Two weeks I had a boil like bump big in size on my chest then a week later I had about 4 small ones on my upper right leg. All of a sudden, my knee started hurting and sure enough, with in two days, my knee was red, hot and swollen about 2 1/2 times the normal size. For years I have been trying to get an answer to my question; Do I have a staph infection or MRSA?” These skin infections have been coming and going for years. They are very painful. My children have even had a boil once or twice. They are ages 14, 5 & 3. If I do have this, I need to know so I can ensure they are properly taking care of.

  • Liz // Oct 19, 2007 at 9:24 pm

    Michele sounds to me like it…Why it keeps coming back I’d like to know also. I just went off my antibotics hoping to go more that 2 weeks without another boil.

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