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An Open Letter to the Newspaper - by Michelle Wells

November 12th, 2006 · 19 Comments

I’m not writing this letter to the editor to cause panic or to say to everyone run to your doctors immediately but only for awareness. The people of this town and every town around need to know about a disease that is spreading through our communities. Awareness is the only way to prevent the spreading.

The disease I am speaking of is called MRSA. In medical terms it is METHICILLIN RESISTANT STAPH AUREUS. Or also know as the ” super bug “. In my opinion it should be called the ” life ruining devil “. This disease is serious and can even be deadly. Too many doctors sugar coat what it is. We have only found one doctor that has been honest with us about this and the rest of the information I researched online. I have also found a wonderful support group to help us with learning what my family and I will have to live with the rest of our lives. The doctors say that it can be cured and you can be rid of this but that’s such a HUGE LIE. I have yet to hear one story where a person has been “cured” for life. 

MRSA is a staph infection that lives in the nasal passage. If you have MRSA the first signs are fatigue, flu like symptoms, then you get a sore that can be anywhere on your body. The sore will get larger each day and it will look like a boil. A normal boil will be sore but these are down right painful. There will be redness around it that will be warm to the touch. Drainage will eventually happen when it gets large enough. If this is not treated it can be deadly. Later I will give the support site and there you can read survival and death stories. Many of us with this have numerous hospital stays to get it under control. We all have a staph on us but when you get this it enters into your blood stream then you are stuck with it.

The majority of you have never heard a word of this until now. That’s because the doctors aren’t treating this as serious as need be. Now some of you may be saying, well if the doctors say that then why worry. Let me tell you why. We live with this and know the pain and suffering of it. If it wasn’t serious then why do we get so sick and why do we have to be hospitalized to get under control? And why are we told that SKIN TO SKIN contact can spread this? So to all the doctors who sugar coat this GET A GRIP ON REALITY! Tell the truth and let the people know. 

Now I am going to let you all know about prevention. Prevention is the main thing we have to worry about at this point. All doctors are worried about how to take care of this but none of them tell you how to prevent this. Its as simple as washing your hands. I don’t mean the normal washing after going to the bathroom, but washing after touching things that others touch or after sneezing or coughing. If one has this and sneezes or something then shakes another’s hand, guess what, you just spread it. PREVENTION is the main key and there’s much more to learn about that. I only have so much room to write though.

 Here is our story.

Over a year ago now my husband was sent to Iraq to do his duty for our country. While there he broke out with these boil like sores. Since he was in war they gave him an antibiotic and sent him on his way. This may be a good time to let you know that the R in MRSA means resistant. Resistant to ANTIBIOTICS. So he went about his job there with not a second thought. When he came home he was broke out again with 2 boils and man did they look nasty. I sent him to the Williamsport hospital. They gave him more ANTIBIOTICS and also too a culture of the puss that was seeping out and said they would call if anything showed up. 2 months later he once again broke out and I sent him back to the ER. The doctor looked up my husbands records and noticed that it said MRSA positive.  And no one called to let us know these results.  Knowing that, the doctor put him on a medication that would work, but the meds only work to clear up the infected sore. All he told us was to keep it clean and finish all his meds. NOTHING ELSE! Since then my husband has gone back to the ER MANY times to get his sores drained and then packed with gauze.


Now here we are over a year later and let me tell you what has happened since then. A month ago my daughter broke out with 2 sores on her belly. Knowing what my husbands looked like we took her straight to the hospital. The doctor that saw her that night said it was spider bites. She took no culture at all even though we told her that my husband has MRSA. Within 3 days her sores got so much worse so we took her back out. The doctor we saw then was a GOD send. He took one look and knew right away that it was MRSA. He put her on the right meds and cultured it to be sure. 3 days later they called saying she was positive.

 A week after that my mother in law broke out with a sore, and a week after her I myself broke out. We both tested positive. Worrying about our other 2 children we got them tested as well and they are also positive. We continue to break out at least once a month each. Right now my husband has to have surgery on his recent one to clean it out.


I know that if only the doctors would have informed us about MRSA and how it is spread over a year ago when my husband was diagnosed, our children, myself and his mother would be MRSA free.

I wanted to get answers to all my questions about this. Even though doctor Bruce Body at the ER was honest with us, his knowledge on this was limited. He was the ONLY one who gave us any info at all. So I went to our doctor that the kids see out at the Divine clinic to ask my questions. When I asked her about telling the schools my kids attend I was in shock when she told me not to because I would cause a panic. I did anyways. What an awful doctor to say something like that. Not only would we have been putting all your kids in harm way of getting it but the teachers as well. Don’t worry parents, we now home school our children for your child’s safety and mine. If my child gets your child’s cold or flu it could mean a hospital stay for mine because MRSA weakens the immune system. 

I am outraged that the government hasn’t said a word about this.  Especially when I was told from EVERY doctor I spoke to that MRSA is spreading like wild fire through Williamsport and surrounding areas. People need to know what they are in harm of and how to PREVENT it. This has even affected my husbands jobs. He has lost 2 in the past year due to this. Mainly because he gets so sick and when he breaks out he is the most contagious and not to mention in pain. 

I know that there are many of you out there that have MRSA and if you are interested in starting a support group here in Williamsport I would be happy to get emails from you. you can email me at .  For those of you who are interested in learning more and reading others stories you may also visit the support site online at  We have learned most of what we know from there and have gotten wonderful support from others with this. Believe me there is A LOT more to learn. 

I say to the government that if you wont let the people know about this then those of us who have MRSA WILL make it known to all. Its our right as human beings to know what is out there! It is you who we depend on to let us know, but you’re not doing your job! You are letting us suffer and don’t look back. Who do you think you are! The secrets out and there’s nothing you will be able to do to stop it. I challenge you to try.

Tags: MRSA

19 responses so far ↓

  • MRSA Notes » MRSA Cleaning Tips From Michelle Wells // Jan 31, 2007 at 10:25 pm

    […] I wish I could take the credit for this great list, but my dear friend Michelle, one of the many loving regulars on the MRSA forum, is the rightful author. This is a compilation of things we are asked and talk about all the time in regards to keeping your house clean while you are dealing with MRSA. You can read Michelle’s story here. […]

  • Tiffany // Apr 5, 2007 at 5:11 pm

    Just like your husband…….I got MRSA in Iraq. I have been trying desperatly to get assistance from the VA. I have had 8 outbreaks/abseses in the past year and nothing has worked. I am so afraid that I may get really sick or pass away. I cant even explain how much this affects my life.

  • Misty Aoudia // Apr 30, 2007 at 6:13 am

    I was diagnosed with MRSA six months ago, and as Michelle Well’s said, it is a life-ruining devil. I am in constant pain from the MRSA, and I am beginning to feel like a leper. The sore break out everywhere, and it is worse when it is on your face. They won’t heal, and your self esteem goes down fast.
    At first, I thought it was adult acne, but then found it was much worse. I am afraid of dying from this, but MRSA makes you feel like you want to. I cannot say where I contracted MRSA. My mother had it throughout her life via a open wound. I also worked at a hospital for five years.
    I take care of myself; bathing and hand washing. I don’t know what else to do. My kids also have MRSA-like symptoms, and I am afraid people will see me as one big oozing scab. This is effecting my life, and sometimes I ask my self “why me?”. I am on antibiotic after antibiotic. I wish they would put me in the hospital to clear it up because I am in constant pain. Any support is necessary because I feel down a a lot. Anyone have similar problems with face breakouts?

  • Duane Myers // May 10, 2007 at 7:08 am

    I was just diagnosed with MRSA and would like to join your support group. It has been causing fairly large infected area behind my ear. Doc has put me on a sulfate-based antibiotic.

  • Michele Puckett // May 31, 2007 at 9:49 pm

    My husband is currently in the hospital with what they think is MRSA. He came home from Iraq in March 2007 with what we and the doctors thought was a spider bite on his left knee, they gave him antibiotics and sent him home without doing any kind of blood test or skin test. That site went away, then about 1 week later another spot popped up on this right thigh, the doctors again said they thought it was from a spider and gave more antibiotics and did nothing! Then he got another on 2 weeks later on his right arm. With that on he drained it himself and we got the pus like stuff out and there was blood clots in it, before it even healed another one popped up on his left arm and it was worse than all the other ones. I took him to the hospital and they said it was “JUST” a staphylococcal infection gave him Doxycyline and again sent him home. Not knowing what that was I looked it up online and I’m glad I did because, I had to rush him to the hospital last night because of chest pains and his arm swelling to the point of almost busting open.If I wouldn’t have looked it up I would have thought it was a reaction from the meds, however when we got there I asked them about this and then they told us what this MRSA is and how serious it is. It’s alittle late for that now because now I have these sores on me and we have 5 children who have been unprotected this whole time because NO ONE told us about this or even tested him for this until now. He is in the hospital with a heart monitor and they aren’t sure yet if it has reached any of his organs. They are doing blood work every hour on the hour because they don’t know if this has reached “the point of no return “. Meaning even these doses of clindamycin they are giving him will even stop the infection in his arm. They might have to amputate it. This is NOT right!!! They test our guys before they go to these countries to make sure they aren’t taking something over there. WHY AREN’T THEY TEST THEM WHEN THEY COME HOME??? IF they would have he and others would not be as sick as they are!! And now I don’t know what to do. I asked his doctor if the kids should be tested for this and she said no. Not unless they get sores too.This doesn’t make since to me, shouldn’t we know ahead of time so when one of these pop up(if they do) we know what to do and they can get the meds faster so they don’t get this pain and this bad? I feel for everyone who has this it is very painful and the CDC needs to do something!!!! I never heard of this until now and I really wish I would have.

  • Shelli // Jun 27, 2007 at 5:45 am

    After several surgeries, I contracted a different strain of MRSA through the hospital and it has since colonized through my system due to my having several surgeries.

    Recently my son has been getting boils. It started right before I was going into the hospital for surgery. It was a couple at the neckline and we took him to the DR and got him biopsied/treated and he was treated with antibiotics. It was the MRSA/MSSA boils. This started in March and he has had 3 now; he just had an outbreak just a few weeks ago in a new location. Usually its his neck area, and at the same time, he had a scab on his face that took months to heal (sounded way too familiar to me on the healing process of infection) with a recent outbreak of one on his leg that I drew out with some great tar solution, but didn’t treat for infection with medicine becuase I wasnt aware until this very moment what exactly he had. And trust me, with my risk of infection and upcoming surgery that has just past, if I knew what he did have, I would not have treated it so lightly. So I am a little concerned at the LACK of communication and concern that the doctors are passing along to their patients.

    I knew he HAD MSSA but that that was past tense. We had thought it came from the park, since he played there amd his doctor said just to use the antiseptic hand washes right after leaving the park or good hand washings, which we have done, but it didnt explain the outbreak recently until a friend of mine sent me an email about her ordeal with her man and this infection. Her email telling me about what she is living with brought me to this website, kind of reeling, and clueless about what kind of danger my 4 year old has been in.

    I have read some of the replies above. Believe me, I have concerns as well. But the best thing we can do is learn more and empower ourselves with knowledge so we can make good decisions. Being a victim will only make you susceptible to being a victim. Be the victor in this situation.

  • Diane // Jun 28, 2007 at 10:51 pm

    I initially contacted MRSA while working at a hospital. I have been in the health field for 30 years as an EMT and CNA and my life is ruined because of this. I have had two surgeries from the infections, spent 34 days in the hospital, missed 8 1/2 months work and contacted a “viral infection” during this that damaged my heart, lungs and liver. At present I have no medical insurance, my body rejects Vancomiacin and my kidnies have been damaged from the intense use of antibiotics; infections not clearing up. MRSA is very serious and life-threatening.

  • Jessica // Jul 18, 2007 at 10:28 pm

    I am an ICP and willing to relay any info I have. There is an ointment to get rid of this in your nose-it is called bactroban (tradename is mupirocin.) Also bathing in dilute clorox( 1 cup to a bathtub full of water) is also recommended for patients to help clear colonization. Even colonization often comes back and all people in the household should be treated at once. This is what I know and NOT medical advice. I would go to a good infectious disease physician who knows the subject.

  • jessica // Jul 19, 2007 at 7:47 am

    I wanted to mention that MRSA and all S.auerus bacteria love the nose as a place to live and hand gout. PRactically everyone who has MRSA will have it in the nose as a “safe harbor” for it even when they do not have an infection with MRSA. The average person touches their nose every 30 minutes. I have watched people and this is true. Then they touch other parts of the body and spread the MRSA. So getting your nose clear and then breaking the constant habit of touching the nose will help as will vigilent hand washing or using a hand sanitizer with alcohol like Purell. I wrote an article for American Journal of Infection Contol in 2003 where we studied teaching patients about hand hygiene and we cut infections by 36%.

  • anonymous // Jul 31, 2007 at 11:37 am

    Miss Aoudia, Yes I myself have broken out with what looked like acne about 7 legions on my right side of face. I’ve been seeing the docs for 10 yrs, no one has said it is MRSA, but I believe it is, cause i get it all over my body, it came back as staph. I used bacterial soap to bathe with and lots of alcohol. These docs know exactly what this is. They contribute to this problem giving antibiotics that they know wont work.

  • Crystal Jones // Aug 7, 2007 at 6:28 pm

    My husband has served in the Gulf War before we meet. Now that we are have been married for three years and have a daughter, we find out that our daugther has MRSA and so do we. My husand had brought it back from Iraq and now we are all suffering. He Now wants to leave us so that our daughter and myself can get well. I know it will always remain in our system but my daughters doctor said that if can’t get any help our daughter will suffer for the rest of her life. With that being said, he will be leaving us until they can find a cure for this infection. I am so confuss about this can anybody help me to under stand how can we get rid of this infection.

  • Tami Ford // Sep 15, 2007 at 4:27 pm

    I am can relate to all of the stories I have read on this website. My boils started in 2004, and went undiagnosed for 2 years. My doctor could not figure out why the boils kept reappearing. She NEVER cultured the infections. Finally, I ended up in an urgent care clinic with yet another outbreak and the doctor was more than willing to culture it. Sure enough, it was MRSA. Sadly, during my time of being undiagnosed with MRSA I had a baby. She has now had two major infections including one hospitilizaton for boils. The lack of knowledge amongst the medical community has cost our family so much money. I have missed countless amount of work and the doctor’s bills are ridiculus. If I would have been diagnosed correctly with the first outbreak then most likely I would not have infected my daughter. Additionally, the amont of education we recieve on how to cleanse our home has been completely lacking. Any tips on cleaning up after an affection would be most helpful?

  • anonymous2 // Sep 16, 2007 at 2:22 am

    Does anyone know if MRSA itches? I itch a lot in the nose and entire body and also break out in rashes and boils on skin and boils on face.

  • melissa // Oct 4, 2007 at 11:14 pm

    My boyfriend and I have both been recently diagnosed with MRSA. He’d had it for a year before I met him, and when he gave it to me I knew immediately what it was. I’m a nursing student and they drill MRSA into us!!! I was so mad at him! But then I figured it happened, he gave me MRSA, get over it. The problem is now what do I do? I’ve already had two outbreaks, and luckily they’ve been on my legs so I can hide them. If they were visible, I would not be able to go to school, and I’m not able to miss more than one day of clinical without making up the whole semester!! so scary! I really can’t afford to be hospitalized at the moment, but is that what I need to do? Does anyone know the bottom line? I’m on two antibiotics at the moment, along with the bactroban ointment for my nose. I’m changing my sheets daily and washing them in bleach… what else? How do I nip this in the bud? what’s the bottom line? has anyone figured it out yet? if anyone has any definite answers will you please share… I’ve heard that only IV antibiotics will make it stop. Is this true? Any more info would be greatly appreciated… Thanks, Melissa

  • Debbie // Oct 8, 2007 at 5:15 am

    I feel awful all the time. I had MRSA last August/Sept (2006) and was told I was a “carrier”, given antibiotics and a prescription for Mupirocin and then dismissed. My doctor actually got mad at me for returning to his office, to have it checked. All symptoms cleared up (supposedly) and I went on with my life. My husband got treated (although I feel he still has it). Both of my boys have it (undiagnosed) I just know they must. The get the sores. I think my oldest son has passed it on to his wife and children. Why aren’t doctors talking about this??????

    I feel that I may have had it for a long time.
    I just had my nose swabbed last week and am waiting for results. My gastroenterologist ordered it before I have an endoscopy.

    I feel terrible all the time. Achy and fatigued but no one seems to take it seriously.

    I just had two root canals and one of the roots has a “stubborn” deep infection around it, in the gums. When I told my dentist about having had MRSA, he just blew me off. I need some help. I feel so bad, I feel like I am going to die soon.
    Any suggestions??????

  • Lindsey // Oct 17, 2007 at 10:40 pm

    Its the same story with all of us, our doctors treat our condition so lightly and just give us anti biotics as soon as they find out its MRSA and thats IF they even test. And, YES, the “R” stands for resistance to anti-biotics. Ive had numerous break-outs each one getting worse than the last. In my case,the boils mainly stick to areas of hair growth and/or increased sweat production. i.e. armpit, groin, coccyx(butt crack) they are de-bilitating. I feel horrible for weeks. I cant walk, i cant sit, the pain gets so intense ive thrown up. For a woman, a YOUNG woman this “flesh-eating” bacteria is truly horrific and mortifying. My roommate moved out for fear of contracting this. Im sure that by having this un-recognized for so long has infected the rest of my family as well. I’M LIVID over the fact that healthcare officials treat this matter so lightly. HOW DO I KNOW IF I HAVE IT IN MY BLOOD? DOES MRSA MEAN IT IS IN MY BLOOD? HOW DO I KNOW IT HASNT INFECTED MY LIVER, KIDNEYS, HEART!?!?
    what kind of physician should i make an appointment with? my family physician isnt helping, i’m dying right before their eyes and theyre just too “busy” to actually take the time to ask questions, run tests, do bloodwork, etc.
    This is interfering with my job, school, personal, and social life. I cant live like this!

  • hammer // Oct 19, 2007 at 8:42 pm

    this is random and idk if anyones gonna read this, but im just worried cuz i shook hands with someone who could have mrsa…right after i did i washed my hands thoroughly…and have since (this was yesterday), it was a real loose quick shake if that detail matters…its got me scared tho, should i worry?

  • skookum // Oct 20, 2007 at 1:21 am

    My friends and I wash all newly purchased clothing and linens. We don’t know who has tried these on or what the manufacturing conditions were. I even washed a raincoat before wearing it. When I had MRSA, I bagged all my towels seperately. I disinfected the computer and phone and railings of the house with hydrogen peroxide. I wash airline tray tables with a wet-one wipe. I dislike unsanitary coffee shop tables!

  • Deb // Oct 20, 2007 at 11:55 am

    Dear Friends; I have been reading your testimonies and quesitons regarding MRSA. I have been sick with an infectious burning that comes from an area in my back around right rib that feels like a open wound inside. When it gets really bad I get a terrible burning like infection pain that spreads up to my whole back and mostly right side where pain starts. I have been out of work because of this severe pain and have many tests but they can’t find what it is. I keep telling the doctors that I feel infected inside. I saw this MRSA scare on TV the other night after I came back from the ER because of the infectious burning pain and chest pain and arrithmias of my heart. I am wondering if I could have MRSA inside and it is infecting me. My mother was in the hospital for ALS and a couple of nursing homes. She had gotten MRSA in the hospital. At first we had to wear gowns and masks over the nose, but then they let it go and I noticed that the nurses didn’t do this precaution at all. I remember saying that it is probably the nurses that spread it from one patient to another. Well I have a autoimmune disorder and know that is can be compromised easily so back a few years ago I called my doctor asking about if I should worry about this and he said NO that even is you do have it nothing is done about it, don’t worry about it he said. Well with all this pain I have and knowing my mom had it in her nose, and we kissed and hugged her daily, I can’t help to wonder if I have it inside. How can I get my doctors to test me or where can I go etc. I need some advice. I do not have any open sores on my body externally. My raw sore is inside. Please Help. I am wondering also why I don’t read any answers to the many questions people have on this website?

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